Spirits In Chinese Brushes

Spirits In Chinese Brushes



12 - Love the mountains unwaveringly
Jan. 06,2024

11 - Night light holds grudges and laments sorrows
Dec. 30,2023

10 - I recall that I was a guest at home yesterday
Dec. 23,2023

9 - If you don't come, you'll just hold grudges
Dec. 16,2023

8 - Ningqi suddenly met here
Dec. 09,2023

7 - The clouds, dragons, winds and tigers are all handed back
Dec. 02,2023

6 - The sun is miserable and the clouds are dark
Nov. 25,2023

5 - Who can comment on this feeling of depression?
Nov. 18,2023

4 - Sometimes a man is poor
Nov. 11,2023

3 - Life is unsatisfactory
Nov. 04,2023

2 - Yesterday I still had a frosty complexion
Oct. 28,2023

1 - Autumn wind always destroys purple orchids
Oct. 28,2023


Two thousand years ago, a descendant of the Yinyang Family felt sad for the burning of books and burying of scholars at the order of Qin Shihuang (the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty) and the burning of Epang Palace. In order not to let the scholars die in vain, he began to turn their spirits into brushes for inheritance by future generations. Back to the present day, Luo Zhongxia, an ordinary college student, accidentally gets a brush with Li Bai's spirit, and gains its superpower. But before long, various forces are in a mad scramble for the power, putting Luo Zhongxia in danger in many occasions. To avoid more dangers, Luo Zhongxia tries to find the way to return the brush, but fails every time. On the contrary, Luo Zhongxia becomes inextricably bound up with seven brush spirits.


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