The future of Kingdom Hospital is changed forever when Dr. Hook and Peter are sent back to the Old Kingdom, where they find the answers to the secrets of the Gates Falls Mills fire.
When two different patients have seizures, they awaken to frightening visions of the living dead haunting Kingdom Hospital's halls, and the reverberations from Mona Klingerman's seizure brings Dr. Stegman's worst nightmares to the surface.
When the reverend of the Christ-Oly-Christ mission is sacrificed, new life resurges in and around Kingdom Hospital and the mystery behind Mary's death is revealed. Meanwhile, maintenance man Jack Handlemann delivers a very destructive blow to Stegman's ego and most prized possession.
When a retired major league baseball player attempts to take his own life and is admitted to Kingdom Hospital, he begins a chain reaction that opens up some horrific old wounds and reverses history for those -- living and dead -- who inhabit the hospital.
Using Peter Rickman's drawings as a guide, Mrs. Druse and Hook make contact with Mary and her nemesis, Paul, and begin to navigate through the trenches of Kingdom Hospital's horrifying past. Meanwhile, Dr. Traff's attempt at a love prank on sleep psychologist Dr. Lona Massingale goes terrifyingly wrong!
Kingdom is a hospital whose bizarre population includes a brilliant surgeon who lives in the basement, a nearly blind security guard and a nurse who regularly faints at the sight of blood. But when patients and staff hear the voice of a girl crying through the halls and a patient destined for life as a paraplegic miraculously recovers, they are dismissive of any suggestion of mysticism or unseen powers... at their own peril.