The series concludes as the family escorts Axl to Colorado. Meanwhile the long affair of the snow globe and its relation to Sean and Sue's relationship comes to a head.
After nine hilarious and heartfelt seasons, a Heck leaves the nest as the family takes a road trip to Denver, where Axl will start his new job – and new life away from home.
Frankie makes it her mission to sway Axl from taking the job in Denver; Sue is depressed over Sean leaving for Ghana; Brick buys a huge amount of lawn chairs to replace the one he's been using for nine years.
In an attempt to get Frankie the best Mother's Day gift ever, Sue and Brick enter a trivia contest where they could win a trip for two to London for the upcoming royal wedding; and Axl is offered a job interview that could change his life.
Frankie has to force Brick into asking Cindy to the high school prom but worries that his quirkiness could spoil the happy event; Lexie talks a clueless Axl into giving Sue a belated 21st birthday present; and Mike becomes frustrated over how to get used to a new TV remote.
Dr. Fulton tells Frankie and Mike that Brick and Cindy have been making out all over the school. Mike tries to teach Brick proper dating etiquette; Sue attempts to give Sean the snow globe, and tell him how much she likes him; Frankie finds a box of unfinished thank you letters, she orders Axl to finish them, and mail them all out.
It's the Orson showdown of the century when the Hecks - along with the Donahues and Bill Norwood - wage a war against the Glossners after they steal Sue's car.
Axl starts to bond more with Mike now that he has a real job; Frankie feels ignored; Brad pleads with Sue to introduce him to Aidan's handsome friend.
Sue admits to Frankie that she kissed Sean Donahue at the Christmas party; Mike forces Axl and Brick to take a drive with him and Mike's dad.
Frankie and Sue are devastated when Axl informs them that he's not going to church; Mike goes to war with the Glossner kids after they keep defacing his giant inflatable snowman; Brick attempts to wrap his first present.
Frankie remembers she has to come up with something to place in the time capsule; Bill Norwood informs Mike that he and Paula are separating; Brick tries to win Cindy back; Axl volunteers Sue to be his personal assistant.
When Axl visits Hutch, he discovers his friend has turned into a responsible adult; Sue is unable to sleep after watching a horror movie by herself; Brick enlists Frankie and Mike's help to help convince a girl to give him a chance.
The Hecks take a hectic road trip to Frankie's sister's house for Thanksgiving; the kids must decide which one of them will lose their job at Spudsy's.
Frankie's mom stays with her after becoming ill; Sue suggests to Sean that they should set each other up on dates; Axl and Brick ponder what Mike actually does at the quarry.
Axl tries to invent a new beverage; Mike asks Sue to put together a romantic evening for his and Frankie's 25th wedding anniversary; Sue declares she won't be the person who does everything expected of her without complaint.
Frankie discovers that a woman had died in the bathtub of the Heck house close to 50 years ago.