Tracy talks Terrell Owens into not doing a underwear add.
On career day, Tracy elects to forgo a speech about auto repair to discuss his exciting job as a sports agent.
Alicia and Tracy visit Jimmy's school in response to a teacher's note about his behavior, but when Jimmy takes an aptitude test, they realize he is a frustrated genius.
Tracy promises that he will take his kids to a sold out Snoop Dogg concert. But when Freddie fails to come thru , Tracy tries to sneak in by pretending that his boys are sick and their one wish is to see Snoop Dogg preform.
Derrick and Jimmy volunteer in a church program that takes food to the elderly and they find stuff on the street to bring in the Mitchell house hold; Tracy goes to jury duty; Spoon and Bernard fight for second-in-command at the shop while Freddie prepares for his annual bike tour.
Barnard and Spoon build a car engine for jimmy to display at the scence fair. Also Derrick finds all the jerms in the Morgan house hold for his scince project but Alicia does not want the other mothers to find out.
Tracy has the boys clean the garage to learn the value of money; Alicia returns to work after an old boss makes her an offer.