

TV-PG | 1991


125 - Angry Adult Brothers, One Denying Dad Is he their Father
Sep. 08,2022

124 - DNA Will Prove You named your Son After the wrong man
Sep. 07,2022

123 - Furious Moms vs Dads in Denial Who Will Win the Paternity War
Sep. 05,2022

122 - Adults Face the DNA Truth.. Are you My Dad or Not
Sep. 02,2022

121 - Did you Guess Right Maurys Most Unexpected Results
Aug. 26,2022

120 - Who fathered my Baby... my Husband or My One-Night Stand
Aug. 24,2022

119 - After the Results Maury Guest updates
Aug. 23,2022

118 - DNA Will Prove this is your husband's Child
Aug. 22,2022

117 - Classic maury Rewind: The Most Absurd DNA Denials
Aug. 19,2022

116 - My Mom Had me at 16, Are you My father
Aug. 17,2022

115 - top Ten Countdown: Villians vs Heroes
Aug. 16,2022

114 - Your 100,000 Followers are Wrong. You Are the Dad
Aug. 15,2022

113 - Ive Waited 44 Years for this.. Are You My dad
Aug. 10,2022

112 - Classic Maury Rewind i Will Confront your Mistress today
Aug. 09,2022

111 - 5 women 9 babies which man is the father
Aug. 08,2022

110 - Friday Flashback.. Will The Results Ruin our older/./younger Relationship
Aug. 05,2022

109 - Im Only 19, am i raising another Mans Child
Aug. 04,2022

108 - Your Mom Lied. Ill Prove You're not my Childern
Aug. 03,2022

107 - I Dont Cheat with my Subscribers.. You Are my Baby's dad
Aug. 01,2022

106 - Summer Friday Flashback: Angry Moms Battle DNA Deniers
Jul. 29,2022

105 - Summer Friday Flashback.... Lovers and Liars Exposed
Jul. 22,2022

104 - Who Fathered my Baby..... My Husband or my Cousin
Jul. 18,2022

103 - Summer Friday Flashback.. Grandmas At War
Jul. 15,2022

102 - Episode 102
Jul. 08,2022

101 - Episode 101
Jul. 06,2022

100 - Episode 100
Jul. 04,2022

99 - Summer Friday Flashback... Are you Cheating with my family Member
Jul. 01,2022

98 - i Saw a video of you Cheating,, Now Prove that's my Child
Jun. 30,2022

97 - Classic Maury Rewind: Young Love Gone Wrong
Jun. 24,2022

96 - Maury, Give me the results. i hope im the dad
Jun. 17,2022

95 - Maury, Read The Results and Silence there Denying Dads
May. 30,2022

94 - Shot and Paralyzed:: How Can I Be Your baby's Father
May. 27,2022

93 - Episode 93
May. 25,2022

92 - Episode 92
May. 24,2022

91 - Episode 91
May. 23,2022

90 - You begged for a baby... Now you want a DNA Test
May. 20,2022

89 - Episode 89
May. 19,2022

88 - Episode 88
May. 18,2022

87 - Episode 87
May. 17,2022

86 - Episode 86
May. 16,2022

85 - Episode 85
May. 13,2022

84 - Will DNA Prove My Deceased son had a Daughter
May. 12,2022

83 - Episode 83
May. 11,2022

82 - Episode 82
May. 10,2022

81 - DNA Test These Brothers.... Is One of Them My Dad?
May. 09,2022

80 - Episode 80
May. 06,2022

79 - Episode 79
May. 05,2022

78 - Six Angry Siblings, One Burning Question, Is Robert Their Father?
May. 04,2022

77 - If You Want Our Marriage to Survive... Pass the Test!
May. 03,2022

76 - My Wife Cheated.... Whose Baby Am I Raising?
May. 02,2022

75 - Episode 75
Apr. 29,2022

73 - Episode 73
Apr. 27,2022

72 - Episode 72
Apr. 26,2022

71 - Episode 71
Apr. 25,2022

70 - Episode 70
Apr. 22,2022

69 - Episode 69
Apr. 20,2022

68 - After 8 years together... Now You Deny my Baby
Apr. 18,2022

67 - Had a baby with your Fiance.. DNA Will Prove it
Mar. 08,2022

66 - You are the 11th women to try and pin a baby on me
Mar. 07,2022

65 - Your Mom is lying to you.. Im Not Your Dad
Mar. 02,2022

64 - My 4th Time on Maury... This Guy has to be the dad
Mar. 01,2022

63 - You Wanted me Pregnant at 17.. Now You Deny Our Child
Feb. 28,2022

62 - Maury Guests Return.... NEw Test. NEw results, New Drama
Feb. 25,2022

61 - Raised by a white family.. Will Dna connect me to my Black heritage
Feb. 24,2022

60 - Our Open Relationship Backfired ... is the other man the Dad
Feb. 23,2022

59 - Reveal the Results That;s not my brother's Baby
Feb. 22,2022

58 - Classic Maury Rewind" Can You Spot a Cheater
Feb. 21,2022

57 - You cheated with my boss.. i know that;s not my baby
Feb. 18,2022

56 - i Slept with 4 men.. is one of them my child's father
Feb. 17,2022

55 - That test was bogus Only Maury can tell me i'm the dad
Feb. 16,2022

54 - Stop claiming my child.. Ill Prove you're not her dad
Feb. 15,2022

53 - Valentine Video .... Faints, Falls * Fails
Feb. 14,2022

52 - i've tested 7 kids before... my wife needs to prove i'm the dad
Feb. 11,2022

51 - Im Sterile and i think you cheated, DNA Test that child
Feb. 10,2022

50 - 4 moms 4 babies is Jalon the father of all 4 kids
Feb. 09,2022

49 - Your Baby loves Karate... That proves i cant be his father
Feb. 08,2022

48 - I Did Cheat... But DNA Will Prove these are your twins
Feb. 07,2022

47 - You Cheated with over 50 guys.... Is this my son
Feb. 04,2022

46 - You both slept with my Daughter, Who got her pregnant
Feb. 03,2022

45 - You Stole my Man, But ill Prove thats not his baby
Feb. 02,2022

44 - Will 2 DNA Tests Prove i'm raising another man's Kids
Jan. 18,2022

43 - Your Mom is lying... My husbnad is not your dad
Jan. 17,2022

42 - Top Ten New Year's Countdown
Dec. 31,2021

41 - Mom Tested 2 other men... You Have to be my dad
Dec. 30,2021

40 - Karamo is Back.... Outrageous Guest updates
Dec. 29,2021

39 - Don't Trust your Husband.. I'll Prove this is his Son
Dec. 28,2021

38 - Grandmas At war. Your Son Got my Teen Pregnant
Dec. 27,2021

37 - Classic Maury Rewind.. The Gift of the Truth
Dec. 24,2021

36 - Maury's Festive Fails.. Caught of Camera
Dec. 23,2021

35 - DNA Family Reunions...Who Stayed Together?
Nov. 25,2021

34 - DNA Mysyeries Confronted...Karamo Has The results
Nov. 24,2021

33 - Drama Unleashed... After the Results
Nov. 23,2021

32 - Episode 32
Nov. 22,2021

31 - The Dna test will prove you have 11 kids w
Nov. 19,2021

30 - Classic Maury rewind... Can You Guess the Results
Nov. 18,2021

29 - Leave your wife for me today.. That's what i want
Nov. 17,2021

28 - I'm 20.... DNA will prove this 49 year old got me Pregnant
Nov. 16,2021

27 - Maury's top 10..... Lovers or Liars
Nov. 15,2021

26 - She Seduced me with Potato Salad... But the kids aren't Mine
Nov. 12,2021

25 - i'm 31 years old ... Why is this Teen saying i got her pregnant
Nov. 11,2021

24 - 3 minutes in a Car love can't make a baby.. Test Me
Nov. 10,2021

23 - 4 minutes of Maury.... Fast and Furious Results
Nov. 09,2021

22 - Why would you leave town pregnant? There kids Aren't mine
Nov. 08,2021

21 - I'm 21... This 52 year old got me pregnant and Denies my Baby
Nov. 05,2021

20 - You Slept with my Family Member.. How am i the dad
Nov. 04,2021

19 - if you cheater with a friend, An Ex or my family Member.. It's Over
Nov. 03,2021

18 - I'm 34 and you're 23.. How can i be your Father
Nov. 02,2021

17 - Back For the 3rd time.. I"m Sure this man is the Dad
Nov. 01,2021

16 - Classic Maury rewind.. Scary Love Triangles
Oct. 29,2021

15 - One Man, Four Angry Adult Kids.. is He their father?
Oct. 28,2021

14 - Time For the Truth.. The Secrets are Out
Oct. 21,2021

13 - I Never Knew You were married... But I'll Prove you're the dad
Oct. 20,2021

12 - DNA Test all three kid.. Their looks dont match
Oct. 19,2021

11 - You Revenge Cheated.. That's Not my Brother's baby
Oct. 18,2021

10 - I'm 19.. I"ll Prove my 41 year old husband is my baby's Dad
Oct. 15,2021

9 - Your Spiritual Vibes told me. I'm Not your Baby's Dad
Oct. 14,2021

8 - Classic Maury Rewind. Guilty or Innocent
Oct. 13,2021

7 - Is My Husband or my 2nd Cousin the father of my Child
Oct. 12,2021

6 - i'm Positive Youn Cheated with my Brother.. Is this my Child
Oct. 11,2021

5 - Four minutes of Maury ... Friday Fury
Oct. 08,2021

4 - I Need Another DNA Test.. This Time i Have the right Guy
Oct. 07,2021

3 - TBC
Oct. 06,2021

2 - i Saw the Video.. DNA Test The Man I Busted you with
Oct. 05,2021

1 - I was shot 7 times and Paralyzed... That Can't be my Baby
Oct. 04,2021


Veteran TV journalist Maury Povich tackles volatile issues with his guests and studio audience on this daily, hourlong talk show.